Thessaloniki: Metamorphoses of a city
5th, 6th Grade Primary School studentsMiddle School students

The educational programme is based on the concept of promoting the history of the city of Thessaloniki, with emphasis on the late 19th and early 20th century, and aims at introducing students to the daily life of the city and its unknown aspects. The modern history of Thessaloniki unfolds live before the eyes of the children through the screening of a short film, the dramatisation with theatrical hats of the time of all ethnic groups that lived in the city, games of memory and observation. The children work together in small activity groups and approach the great historical and demographic changes of Thessaloniki over time in a pleasant and experiential way.
Programme design – development: Persephone G. Karabati
“Playing and learning in the Swamps of Giannitsa”
Pre-school students
Travelling through time on a quill and a… mouse!
5th, 6th Grade Primary School studentsMiddle School students