“The Key of Memory”: summer workshops at MMA
Creative Workshops 20 June – 1 July 2022

With the theatrical event “The Key of Memory” and in the presence of the children parents, the summer workshops of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle were completed with great success! The farewell celebration was honored with the presence of the Vice-Regional Governor of Digital Governance, Mr. Angelos Haristeas, who stressed the need to give young children the tools to develop digital skills through innovative actions, such as the one of the Museum that connected history with technology in the same historical space of developments.
In the experiential workshops, the group of young Museum lovers became one big group and together we all got to know the history of Thessaloniki through explorations, treasure games, robotics games, art workshops, theatrical events and creative writing. We renew our appointment with the children in the new educational entertainment workshops in September!
Scientific Lab Team:
Scientific supervision of the workshops: Stauroula Maurogeni, Professor of PAMAK – Director of KEMIT IMMA
Coordinating actions: Fani Tsatsia, Art Historian, Director of IMMA.
Program design – Implementation: Katerina Tzavara, Educator – Author – IMMA Educational Program
Joined in the activities by Museum staff: Silia Fasianou (Archaeologist – Research Assistant), Eleni Mavridou (Historian – Material Manager) and Chrysoula Makaki (Internship student from PAMAK).
External Lab Associates:
- Eva Athanasiadou, Visual Artist – Educator
- Iphigenia Kritikou, Educator – Robotics Instructor.
- George Kazantzides, Physical Education Teacher
Photography: Brainz Agency
«Ιστορίες με ένα κλικ!»: Καλοκαιρινά Εργαστήρια Εκπαίδευσης & Ψυχαγωγίας στο Μουσείο Μακεδονικού Αγώνα
19 Ιουνίου 2023 – 30 Ιουνίου 2023
Young Museum lovers on Christmas adventures!
Saturday 17 December 2022