“School design, the Museum comes to life!”. Online feedback meeting for the innovative pilot action of the educational programme “Macedonia, the new homeland”.
Events 6 June 2024

With this general title, the Foundation of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and the Modern History of Macedonia (IMMA) in cooperation with the Primary Education Directorate of Western Thessaloniki, launched during the academic year 2023-2024 a new series of innovative educational activities.
The aim of the actions is the design of original educational material in the context of the monitoring and exploitation of the Museum’s educational programme “Macedonia, the new homeland” and the dissemination of good practices in the teaching of History in Primary Education with the assistance of the museum experience.
The programme was established in the autumn of 2022 in the context of the Foundation’s centenary events for the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe and is still in operation today.
The first thematic unit of the action for the school year 2023-2024 concerns the interdisciplinary processing of the historical events of the Asia Minor Catastrophe through the creative view of students and their teachers.
The pilot implementation of the action started in April 2024 with the participation of kindergartens and primary schools in Western Thessaloniki, the results of which were presented and discussed in an online feedback meeting of teachers, which took place on June 6 with the participation of the Director of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki, Mrs. Evaggelia Boutskou, the Head of Education, Ms. Anastasia Mallou and the scientific team of the Museum.
We would like to thank Mrs. Boutskou for the creative cooperation, the teachers for their participation and their rich activity and we renew our cooperation for the next school year!
Programme design – development: Stavroula Mavrogeni, Professor of UOM, Director of KEMIT IMMA
Coordination of actions: Athina Pavlidou, Philologist-Museologist/Cultural Manager, PhD in Museology of the University of the Aegean, Director of IMMA
Historical context: Dr. Konstantinos Papanikolaou (Historian – IMMA Research Associate) Vangelis Kansizoglou (Historian, IMMA Research Assistant)
Educational material: Katerina Tzavara (MSc Educator-Writer, IMMA Educational Programmes Manager)
Open presentation of the new educational programme “Thessaloniki remembers”
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