Invitation to the CuRVE presentation
Events 21 June 2023

The Foundation for the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and the Modern History of Macedonia (IMMA) invites you to the presentation of CuRVE, an innovative system that allows the digital revival of the historical event of the torpedoing of the Ottoman battleship Fethi Bulent. The torpedoing project belongs to Lieutenant Nikolaos Votsi and took place on the evening of 18 October 1912 in the port of Thessaloniki during the First Balkan War. CuRVE combines the latest achievements of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Storytelling (ST) technologies. IMMA in collaboration with N-CODE Audio Visual Productions and the Information Imaging and Virtual Reality Team of the Laboratory of Wired Telecommunications and Information Technology of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology of the University of Patras, created a personalized experience for the visitors of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle that will take them back in time and make them “live” the night of the battle. The public will be able to walk on the Greek ship that fired the torpedoes and experience, with the help of technology, the daring undertaking of the Greek crew.