Pilot project for the design and presentation of innovative actions in the teaching of the History of World War II in secondary schools
Events school year 2023-2024

Call for expressions of interest for participation in a pilot project for the design and presentation of innovative actions in the teaching of the History of World War II in secondary schools
The Foundation for the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and the Modern History of Macedonia (IMMA) announces its cooperation with the Secondary Education Directorate of Western Thessaloniki and the Education Consultants of Western Thessaloniki Philologists in conducting a pilot educational program for the school year 2023-2024 on the topic “Thessaloniki – Macedonia: Managing the Memory of the War in Society” and invites the teachers of the Directorate to participate in the educational action to highlight good practices in the teaching of History in the Secondary School.
The aim of the project is the design, implementation and presentation of innovative actions by the participants in cooperation with IMMA, in the experiential approach and teaching of World War II History in the Secondary School. The individual objectives of the actions are related to the interdisciplinary approach of the impact of World War II in the region of Macedonia, with reference to Man, through the stories of the protagonists in the cities of Macedonia, but also of the children and refugees.
Students of participating school classes will have the opportunity a) to tour the halls of the Museum learning the historical context, b) to observe rich war artifacts, medical and cultural material of the era from the personal collection of Konstantinos Gioulekas exhibited at the Museum and c) work in groups and process the Museum’s educational material by approaching the subject in a creative way and researching archives on the computers of the Museum’s Centre for Research in Macedonian History and Documentation (KEMIT).