Presentation of the book by G. Christidis “Serbian Policy in Kosovo. June 1999-2016”
Book PresentationEvents 14 February 2018

Museum of Macedonian Struggle
On Thursday, February 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. the book presentation of Mr G. Christidis , Assistant Professor of the University of Macedonia, entitled Serbian Policy in Kosovo June 1999-2006, took place in the “Alexandros Haitoglou” hall of the Museum of Macedonian Struggle. The book, presented by the University of Macedonia Publications, examines the diplomatic operations of the Serbian governments, as well as the policy of support for the Serbian population remaining in the province, during the period of UN rule of Kosovo from 1999 to 2008.
The book was discussed by Mr. Dimitris Moschopoulos, Ambassador (retired), former head of the Greek Liaison Office in Pristina, Mr. Konstantinos Katsanos, Dr. History, AUTH, official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ioannis Armakolas, Assistant Professor of the University of Macedonia and Mr. Georgios Christidis, Assistant Professor of the University of Macedonia (author). The presentation was coordinated by Vassilis Gounaris, Professor of History at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Second Vice-President of IMMA.
The Foundation Museum of Macedonian Struggle expressed its sincere thanks to the Publications of the University of Macedonia and especially to Mrs. Ioanna Dandelia, Director of the Publications of the University of Macedonia.