Presentation of the new educational programme “Thessaloniki Remembers”
Events 24 Οctober 2017

The Commonwealth War Cemeteries Committee (CWGC), the British Council, the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, the War Museum of Thessaloniki and the Never Such Innocence Organization presented on Tuesday 24.10.2017 at the City Hall of Thessaloniki, in the Hall of the Municipal Council, the new exciting educational programme for schools “Thessaloniki Remembers”.
The programme was attended by a large number of teachers, while the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Yannis Boutaris and the President of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Mr. Nikolaos Margaropoulos, were also present. In addition to the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Spyros Pegas, Deputy Mayor of Tourism Development & International Relations, Mrs. Maria Tsakali, Head Thessaloniki Office British Council – Honorary Consul of Britain in Thessaloniki, Mr. Vasilios Nikoltsios, Director of the Macedonian Struggle Museum Foundation and Mr. Constantinos Alexandropoulos, Communications Executive, Mediterranean Area, Commonwealth War Graves Commission, greeted the attendees.
The event was addressed by Mr. Vasilios Gounaris, Professor at the Department of History and Archaeology of AUTH, on the Unwanted Memories, and Mr. Vlasis Vlasidis, Assistant Professor at the Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies of UOM, who presented the Cemeteries, Heroes and Monuments all over Greece. In addition, the international poetry and art competition organized by the British charity Never Such Innocence was presented by Mrs. Lucy Kentish, Director of Operations, Never Such Innocence.
The educational programme was presented by Mrs. Stavroula Mavrogeni, Assistant Professor at the Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies of UOM and Secretary General of IMMA, Mr Konstantinos Alexandropoulos, Communications Executive, Mediterranean Area, Commonwealth War Graves Commission and Mr. Nikolaos Bliatkas, Artist.
At the end, two teachers from the 3rd Gymnasium of Thermi, Mrs. Dimitra Pitsiou and Mrs. Xanthi Rallis, shared with the audience the experience they had with their students from the programme, presenting rich audiovisual material.
The event was closed by the Coordinator of Programmes and Partnerships of the British Council, Ms Chrysoula Melidou, who thanked the guests.
Program Managers:
For the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle: Stavroula Mavrogeni, General Secretary of the IMMA Board of Directors
For the British Council: Maria Tsakali, Head Education Greece / Head Thessaloniki Office
Struggles for Liberation
Permanent Exhibition