Presentation of the project “Macedonia of the Germans. The image of Macedonia in German public discourse from the early 19th century to the First World War” at the IANOS bookstore
Book Presentation 7 November 2023

The presentation of the work of the historian and scientific collaborator of IMMA Dr. Konstantinos S. Papanikolaou, “The Macedonia of the Germans. The image of Macedonia in the German public discourse from the early 19th to the First World War” (IMMA-Disigma), was successfully completed. The presentation took place at the IANOS bookstore in Athens on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.
The book was presented by Professor of Modern History of the University of Athens, Sp. G. Ploumidis, the Assistant Professor of Modern History of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, D. Lybanios, the Historian and Lecturer of the National School of Public Administration, Dr. St. Cavalierakis and the author. The book is available at the IMMA shop and e-shop.
Presentation of a study by the postdoctoral scholar of AUTH and Scientific Associate of IMMA Dr. Konstantinos S. Papanikolaou
Book Presentation 27 February 2020
Presentation of the postdoctoral study of Dr. Markella-Elpida Tsihla, Dr. Art History
Hosted Events 15 Μarch 2023