Presentation of the results of the Pilot Educational Programme “Thessaloniki – Macedonia: Managing the Memory of War in Society”.
Events 20 Μay 2024

Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
On Monday 20 May 2024 we had the pleasure of presenting the results of the pilot project for the teaching of History in secondary schools “Thessaloniki – Macedonia: Managing the Memory of the War in Society”, which was written by Prof. UOM and Director of KEMIT Mrs. Stavroula Mavrogeni and implemented by the Foundation of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and the Modern History of Macedonia (IMMA) in cooperation with the Directorate of Secondary Education of Western Thessaloniki and the Directorate’s School Counselors of Philology.
The programme was attended by over 250 students of Middle School, whose representatives participated in the event and presented the ways in which they creatively used the educational material given to them by the Museum’s scientific team, as well as their original writing and artwork, as a result of their visit to the Museum.
The innovation of the action includes a) the guided tour of the exhibition of objects and documents (war and medical material, books, etc.) from the personal collection of Konstantinos Gioulekas and b) the original educational material created by the school groups, which will be posted on the official website of the Museum, as part of the promotion of good practices in the teaching of history to the educational community, through the cooperation between the School and the Museum.
Warm thanks for the excellent hosting of the event to the Directors of the 1st and 3rd Middle School of Neapolis, to all the students, pupils and teachers for their great and meaningful participation and our constructive cooperation and congratulations for the high quality of your work.
We especially thank the Director of D.E. West. Thessaloniki Mr. Christos Roubidis and the Counselors of the Directorate for the support of the initiative and our fruitful cooperation, which we renewed for the next school year.
Event: ‘The presence of women in politics: Challenges and Perspectives”
Events 11 Μarch 2024
The Network for Children’s Rights at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle!
Hosted Events 20 Μay 2024