The Duke of Kent Edward at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
Events 29 September 2018

The Duke of Kent and head of the Commonwealth Grave Committee, Edward, together with the British Ambassador, Kate Smith and the Honorary Consul of Britain, Maria Tsakali, had the honor of welcoming him to the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, on Saturday, September 29, 2018, the President Mr. Nikolaos K. Margaropoulos, the General Secretary and Director of K.E.M.I.T., Mrs. Stavroula Mavrogeni, the Head of Financial Affairs, Mr. Angelos Papaioannou and the Director of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Mrs. Fani Tsatsaia.
The Duke of Kent was given a guided tour of the Museum’s permanent exhibition by Mr. Angelos Hodzidis, Historian and scientific collaborator of the Museum. He showed particular interest in the new World War I display case, with objects made from the wreckage of Zeppelin, as well as medals, personal effects of fallen soldiers and archival material.
In continuation of the Educational Programme “Thessaloniki remembers”, the student choir from the 2nd Primary School of Peraia, under the direction of their teacher Sofia Tsatsou, performed the song “The request of the fighter”. The educational programme was developed in the school year 2017-2018 in cooperation with the Commonwealth Committee for Military Tombs, the British Council Greece and the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, under the auspices of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, on the occasion of the one-century anniversary of the presence of British troops on the Macedonian Front. The educational programme was curated by Mrs Stavroula Mavrogeni, Director of the K.E.M.I.T. and Assistant Professor of UOM.
Also present during the visit were Mrs. Chrysoula Melidou, Cultural Programmes Manager of the British Council, Mr. Ian Hussein, Western Europe Area Director of the Commonwealth Commission for Military Tombs and Mr. Konstantinos Alexandropoulos, Communications Manager for the Mediterranean Area of the Commonwealth Commission for Military Tombs.
Struggles for Liberation
Permanent Exhibition