Memorial Day of the Macedonian Struggle
Events 15 Οctober 2017

Sunday 15 October is the Day of Remembrance of the Macedonian Struggle.
The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle will be open to the public from 10.00 to 19.00 with guided tours in groups every hour until 17.30.
At 18.00 the brothers Lydia and Konstantinos Lykouriotis will close this special day with the following programme:
1. Sonata in A minor for Arpeggione and Piano, D. 821, Franz Schubert
2. Adagio in G minor, Tomaso Albinoni
3. Oblivion, Astor Piazzolla
It will be a pleasure to have you with us.
Free entrance.
Struggles for Liberation
Permanent Exhibition