The Reading Club “Ex libris” at the Macedonian Struggle Museum
Hosted Events 13 February 2024

Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle hosted on Tuesday 13 February the Reading Club “Ex libris” of the Association of Graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki “Philologist” (Philologist’s Reading Club, Ex libris) and the Reading Club “Erasmo Light”.
On the occasion of their reading circle on the Balkan Peninsula Writers and more specifically the novel by Danilo Kis Clepsydra, the members of the two groups attended the speeches of the IMMA Director, Philologist-Museologist, Mrs. Athina Pavlidou and Professor of the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies of UOM and Director of the KEMIT of IMMA, Mrs. Stavroula Mavrogeni, who set the framework for the reading of this demanding literary text. The literary afternoon ended with the approach of the book by the coordinator of the Literature Reading Club, Mrs. Georgia Poulou and a fruitful discussion.
Meeting of SEVE at the historic building of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
Hosted Events 25 September 2018