International Museum Day 2019
Events 18 May 2019

Museum of the Macedonian Struggle
The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle celebrated the International Museum Day on 18 May with guided tours and cultural events
The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle opened its gates wide open during the International Museum Day on Saturday 18 May and welcomed its young and old friends with guided tours and cultural events.
With the theme “Museums as hubs of culture: the future of tradition“, the Museum of Macedonian Struggle gave this year’s International Museum Day a new meaning and content.
In this context, on Saturday 18 May, the Museum was open to the public and guided tours of the exhibition space were held every hour from 11 am to 4 pm. Furthermore, on the same day, a concert was given at 7:00 pm, with works by Emilios Riadis by the pianist, Dr. in Musicology, Xenia Theodoridou and the soprano, Nadia Fiorou, while excerpts of texts were read.
The concert gave the opportunity to listen to selected songs from the most important collections of the Macedonian composer Emilio Riadis, such as Cinq Chansons Macédoniennes, Treize Petit es Mélodies Grecques (one song of which was performed from an unpublished version from the Riadis Archive at the K.O. Th, Athens, in a first Panhellenic performance), the Chansons Exotiques, the Trois Chansons de Ronsard, while the collection Jasmins et Minarets, written almost simultaneously with the Liberation of Thessaloniki, was heard in its entirety in its still unpublished, edited version from the Riadis Archive at the K.O.TH.
Event sponsors:
Mavromoustaki Music House and the Association of Friends of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle.
Struggles for Liberation
Permanent Exhibition