Seeking the legacy of the Greek War of Independence in Nineteenth-Century Macedonia
Παιδιά Νηπιαγωγείου – Δημοτικού – Γυμνασίου – Λυκείου

Online educational programme
In the context of its educational activities for the academic year 2020-2021 and on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the 1821 Revolution, the Foundation commemorates the kick-off of the Greek struggle for independence by dedicating the Museum’s new educational programme to the revolutionary movements that shook Macedonia in the 19th century. The management of the memory of the struggle for national independence as well as the ideological message of the Greek revolution is the main criterion for the creation of the new educational programme “Seeking the heritage of 21 in 19th century Macedonia”.
The programme was designed by Mrs Stavroula Mavrogeni, Rev. It is enriched with rich educational material and is addressed to all educational levels. The first part is the online visit and the guided tour of the first two rooms of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, which are connected to the revolutionary movements and the daily life of people in Macedonia in the 19th century. In the second part, the interactive part of the programme is carried out through the online slideshow focusing on the themes of the Greek Revolution and its influence in the Balkans. The third and final part of the programme is implemented in the classroom with the guidance of the teachers and the work of the students, using as a source of inspiration a series of suggested activities and worksheets designed by the Museum’s scientific team and sent to all schools participating in the programme.
Under the auspices of the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki, Region of Central Macedonia.
Programme design – development: Professor, Director of KEMIT.
Instructional material: Katerina Tzavara (teacher – author), Konstantinos Papanikolaou (historian – scientific collaborator IMMA)
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