The Tree of Life Autumn Education and Creation Workshops 2023 at the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for children 6-12 years old
4 – 8 September 2023

Informal education offered by cultural institutions, such as museums, must listen to the needs of society, creatively inform and sensitise children and young people to the major issues of the planet. On the occasion of the ever-increasing destruction of forest areas and, consequently, the need to promote the value of trees and greenery for natural ecosystems and human survival, IMMA dedicates its regular September workshops for children to the “Trees of Life”.
The tree as a symbol has been the subject of study in many different sciences. The life cycle of trees involves the concepts of growth, evolution, survival, supply and recycling. Man has linked his existence to the periodic change in nature, the cycle of vegetation and the structural and symbolic characteristics of the tree (our roots, our family tree, the tree of knowledge, etc.). In every traditional culture the tree is associated with a deity, customs and festivals.
In order for the children to approach these environmental and cultural concepts and values, IMMA’s interdisciplinary team designed and implements an educational programme based on experiential learning, on-site research and cooperation between the children, while at the same time they will get to know the urban green landscape in the centre of Thessaloniki.
The children who will participate in the workshop programme will creatively process the concept of the tree as:
a) a source of life
b) a connection between man and the natural environment
c) as a symbol of personal development and progress. Furthermore, they will be given the opportunity to cultivate the soft skills of self-regulation, cooperation and adaptability, digital skills, critical thinking and decision-making through original and enjoyable educational and recreational activities.
The content of this experiential programme of information, awareness and creation includes:
- Visual and literary activities of environmental awareness
- Original museum activities with photographs and digital material from the Museum’s archives and dioramas that highlight the contribution of the natural environment to the daily life of the people of Macedonia in the early 20th century.
- Computer games and organised sports games in the courtyard of the neighbouring school
- Ecological walk in the city centre
- Creation of a poster on the value of urban greenery
Particularly important will be the attendance for the first time by the children of an experiential workshop by a group of students of the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies of the University of Macedonia, under the scientific supervision of their teacher, Mrs. Stavroula Mavrougenis, based on the project “SOHACK – SOCIAL HACKING FOR SUSTAINABILITY”, an innovative project on sustainability, consumer habits and lifestyle changes for a sustainable future.
Scientific Supervisor: Stauroula Maurogeni, Professor of Art History in the Balkans, PA.MAK – Director of KEMIT, IMMA
Coordination of actions: Fani Tsatsia, Art Historian – PhD in Contemporary History of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Director of IMMA
Design – Implementation of actions: Katerina Tzavara, Educator – Author, IMMA Educational Programmes
Administrative Support: Kalypso Tryfonaki, IMMA
Digital actions: Cilia Fassianou, Archaeologist – Cultural Heritage Manager, IMMA
Technical and logistical support: Eleni Mavridou, IMMA Historian
Animation of historical actions: Vangelis Kansizoglou, Historian – Research Assistant, IMMA
Due to the limited number of seats, there will be a strict first come, first served policy. As with previous workshops, the Museum provides breakfast for the children and all construction materials
Duration of workshops: 4 September – 8 September 2023
Venue: Museum of Macedonian Struggle and 43rd Primary School (courtyard near the Museum)
Hours: 9.00 – 14.00 daily
Participation fee: | 50 euro/child (per week) |
Participation fee for siblings: | 40 euros/child (per week) |
The registration-participation is for the whole week of the educational program.
For information and registration you can contact the Museum’s telephone number: 2310229778 and email:[at]
Workshop manager: Katerina Tzavara.
«Ιστορίες με ένα κλικ!»: Καλοκαιρινά Εργαστήρια Εκπαίδευσης & Ψυχαγωγίας στο Μουσείο Μακεδονικού Αγώνα
19 Ιουνίου 2023 – 30 Ιουνίου 2023