Resolution on the death of Leonidas Papadopoulos
News 17 Μarch 2022

The Board of Directors of the Foundation of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle and Modern History of Macedonia and the Board of Directors of the Association “Friends of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle”, having been informed of the death of the long-time member of the Association and a staunch supporter of IMMA, LEONIDA PAPADOPOULOU, President of the Philoptochos Brotherhood of Men of Thessaloniki (FATH), met today in an extraordinary session and decided unanimously:
- To express their sincere condolences to the family of the deceased and to the FATH
- To attend the funeral service
- To lay a wreath in his memory
The President of the Board of Directors
of the Foundation Museum Association Museum
of the Macedonian Struggle
Vassilis K. Gounaris
The President of the Board of the Association
“The Friends of the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle”
Dimitrios Kostopoulos
Resolution on the death of Dimitrios Toussis
News 16 June 2021